Tuesday, September 2, 2008

CoCoMaMa Muses on..... blogging

I've been thinking about having a weblog for quite a while.  I used to keep a journal & I pretty much always wrote it with the thought that it might be read.  Hence, I was writing for an audience & it needed to be written well.  I can't swear that every line I wrote was written well; lots of my journaling was for personal therapy & it tended toward the grandiose, with lots of freely thrown-about sturm und drang & 20's angst.  A couple of decades later, not so much s&d, still pretty angsty in my own middle-aged way.  Still not really settled on who I am & what I'm here for.  But I often feel I still have something to say, something to contribute to the world by way of posting my musings.  I can't swear it will always be well-written...

I guess this is my start.  I have had fully written musings in my head so many times, while driving in my car, or in the middle of something & couldn't interrupt it to sit down & write.  Now that I'm finally sitting in front of a screen I'm not feeling a whole lot flowing out of me.  Oh, well -- this is the seed packet I picked up a few months ago & didn't plant until this afternoon.  I only need to get the seeds under soil & give them some water.  At least I've gotten that far.  More later, or tomorrow...

CoCoMaMa 9/2/08